Brand Calibration

Brand Calibration is a DIY brand review practice that will help you check-in with your vision and calibrate your brand from the inside out.

For you, if you..

1. Feel out of tune with your brand, uninspired and unsure of your direction.

2. Want to refresh or rebrand, but are uncertain about what to focus on and don't want to waste your time and investments fixing what's not broken or putting a pretty brand-aid to a brand that needs much deeper work first.

Brand Calibration will help you reconnect with your vision, shine a light on parts of your brand that are misaligned and help you find a clear path forward towards deeper alignment.

  • Brand vision exercise to help you connect with your big picture goals. 
  • Brand review questionnaire to help you assess all aspects of your brand internally and externally for deeper alignment.


P.S. Brand Calibration is available as part of the Aligned Brand Course. If you purchase it now and later decide to join the course too, you can use the £125 as credit towards the investment. You'll gain access to a special discounted link when course enrolment reopens soon.


[ T&C: Due to the digital nature of the product, the purchase is non-refundable. Please email me to [email protected] if you have any concerns or questions to help you make an informed and confident decision to invest. ]

£125.00 GBP